Angelart [08. 03. 2009.] |
Evo ovako,planiram nesto od ovog kupiti ali se ne mogu odlučiti. Jos imam jedan objektiv a to je tamron AF 70-300mm F/4-5.6 Di LD Macro.Sad se između ova tri objektiva ne mogu odlučiti sto da kupim. Sigma 70-300 mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro
Telephoto zoom lenses with tele-macro function, optimized for digital cameras. The high performance telephoto zoom lens is ideal for digital SLR cameras. This lens has two SLD glass elements in the front lens group and one in the rear lens group It is able to shoot with maximum magnification 1:2 at the focal length of 300 mm. It’s the ideal lens for portraits, sports photography, nature photography, and other types of photography that frequently use the telephoto range. New coating reduces Ghost and Flare. The new multi layer lens coating and lens design reduce flare and ghost, which is a common problem with digital cameras and also creates an optimum color balance through the entire zoom range. It is equipped with three pieces of SLD glass for high image quality This lens has two SLD (Special Low Dispersion) glass elements in the front lens group and one in the rear lens group, the lens has excellent correction of chromatic aberration through the entire zoom range. Macro shooting with maximum magnification 1:2 High optical performance is demonstrated throughout the entire zoom range. It also has a switch that converts the lens to macro photography at focal lengths between 200mm and 300mm with a minimum focusing distance of 95cm (37.4 inches). In normal mode the minimum focusing distance is 150cm (59.1 inches) at all zoom settings. Maximum magnification between 200mm and 300mm is 1:2.9 to 1:2. Canon 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III USM The Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens is a relatively small, very light and very cheap lens for this focal length range.
The Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens is really cheap. Usually you get what you pay for - unfortunately this is the case with the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens.
Build quality of the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens is mediocre (and this may be a generous rating). Lightness is the benefit, but you won't find smooth zoom and focus rings. I wouldn't want to subject the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens to a lot of abuse as I doubt it would survive.
Image quality from the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens is also mediocre.
The Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens is soft wide open at all focal lengths. Sharpness decreases as it zooms from 70mm to 300mm. However, the corners are softest at 70 and getting better by 300.
Corner and center softness decrease as the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens is stopped down.
Stopping down a relatively slow lens means a lot of light (or a flash) is necessary for handheld photos. Handholding a slow lens at 300mm requires a lot of light to begin with.
A 7-blade aperture is a decent feature for a lens in this price range.
The Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens is most comparable to the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens. Image quality is very similar between the two. Of course, IS can offset part of the handholding dilemma.
The Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens suffers from CA (Chromatic Aberration). Pincushioning is visible at 300mm. Vignetting is well controlled. Focus speed is OK, but not fast. Tamron AF 70-300mm F/4-5.6 Di LD Macro Description: This is the definitive lightweight, compact telephoto macro zoom with a maximum magnification ratio of 1:2 at the 300mm setting -- ideal for shooting subjects that are difficult to approach such as sporting and theatrical events. The lens also features special effects such as the capability to provide beautifully blurred backgrounds to highlight the main subject in protraiture, or "compression effects" that make the most of the telephoto lens. By switching to maco mode, subjects as close as 0.95m can be shot within the focal range of 180-300mm, for true macro photography. The optical system incorporates a LD (Low Dispersion) lens, resulting in clear sharp images free of chromatic aberration. Model 572D Lens Construction (Groups/Elements) 9-13 Angle of View 34°-8° Type of Zooming Rotation Diaphragm Blade Number 9 Minimum Aperture F/22 Minimum Focus 59.0in. (1.5m) 37.4in. (0.95m)/Macro Macro Mag. Ratio 1:2 Filter Diameter ø62 Weight 15.3oz. (435gm) Diameter x Length ø3.0 x 4.6in. (ø76.6 x 116.5mm) Accessory Lens hood Mount Canon, Minolta, Nikon-D, Pentax null P.S:Za sad sam se odlučio za Sigmu pa me zanima što vi mislite o njoj,a ili je tko ima može ovdje napisati kakva je. |
Angelart [08. 03. 2009.] |
Joki [08. 03. 2009.] |
Ništa od gore navedenog.Canon EF 70-200mm f4 L USM |
seewolf [08. 03. 2009.] |
jesi ga nadrobio da si ga nadrobio :D. jedva sam skuzio o cemu se radi. vec je bilo 150 tema o 70-300 objektivima i vec smo 150 puta zakljucili da koliko para toliko muzike :). |
seewolf [08. 03. 2009.] |
i evo joki me je preduhitrio. taman sam mislio dopisati canon 70-200 f4 L i nis manje od toga! |
tin_juginovic [08. 03. 2009.] |
slazem se, mene 70-200 izvrsno sluzi |
KreSica [08. 03. 2009.] |
A i realno, misliš da bi primjetio neku veliku razliku među njima u optici, da ti ih netko da u ruke na par sati? I kao da bi napravilo ikakvu razliku na fotkama koji god od njih da kupiš? bzvz :) |
Mrlja [08. 03. 2009.] |
ja imam sigmu 70-200 f/2.8 i odusevljen sam...jos kad se sjetim da sam za nju dao 2800kn :D |
Zabac [08. 03. 2009.] |
Vec pisali. Zemi ono kaj ti preporucuju. 70-200/?. Taj raspon imaju sve firme. Ako hoces nekaj usko, zemi konverter. Po meni puno kvalitetnije. Eto, Mrlja veli da je svoj platil 2800.- uzmes Sigmin TC 2x koji skida mislim 2 blende. dobijes nekaj 140-400/4.5 kaj je odlicno i puno bolje od pvih prijedloga. |
gogo098 [08. 03. 2009.] |
od ova tri, da sad ne trkeljam o "profi" staklima, izaberi Tamrona... imao ga, odličan objektiv za nikakve novce... ima svojih mana, ali... sretno! :D |
Colle [08. 03. 2009.] |
100-300/4 je klasa iznad i to FF, što bi bilo 150-450/4 APS-C, a za manje uzeti kakav 50-135/2,8 ili sl. |
Jethrotull [09. 03. 2009.] |
ljudi kako je ovo postalo dosadno citat sve jedno te isto:) Angelart kupices ono koliko imas para:) |
djuan [09. 03. 2009.] |
Heh, a tko garantira da će sa 70-200 napraviti bolju fotku nego sa 75-300? Možda će špijat susjedu dok se presvlači pa tih 100mm više dobro dođe, jelte? |
seewolf [09. 03. 2009.] |
mi ne govorimo o nesposobnosti fotografa nego o kvaliteti optike :). |
Jethrotull [09. 03. 2009.] |
jes:) pitali me danas sta sam uzeo zeni za 8 mart, ja rekoh 100 eura:)))) |
djuan [09. 03. 2009.] |
uzeo bi i više, al' nije imala keša :)))) |
TonyMontana [09. 03. 2009.] |
canon 70-300 IS |
Angelart [09. 03. 2009.] |
Hvala svima na prijedlozima.mrlja di si naša sigmu 70-200 tako jeftinu.Da je i ja kupim.Kolika je cijena tih convectora?Neznan.Za sigma 70-200 neman toliko para.A dali bi mogli ti convectori na sigmu 70-300mm?AKO netko ima iskustva sa sigmom 70-300mm APO DG MACRO rado bih je isprobo. |
Angelart [09. 03. 2009.] |
I još nešto mi triba:ima li gdje u HR kupiti konvektor za canon 18-55 mm kit.I kolika mu je cijena? |
Jethrotull [09. 03. 2009.] |
to ti pricam koliko para toliko muzike:)) |
sisko [09. 03. 2009.] |
razvuci ce se ovo i do koji 600mm :P |
Jethrotull [09. 03. 2009.] |
:)))))) |
Jethrotull [09. 03. 2009.] |
dobro je dok je u milimetrima:)))) |
sisko [09. 03. 2009.] |
moze i ovo |
Angelart [09. 03. 2009.] |
Još uvik mi niste odgovorili na pitanja.... |
Jethrotull [09. 03. 2009.] |
Angelart koliko imas para u dzepu to kupi to je odgovor! |
Angelart [09. 03. 2009.] |
Hvala svima na vašim odgovorima posebno Jethrou.Zatvaram raspravu |
Angelart [09. 03. 2009.] |
Hvala svima na vašim odgovorima posebno Jethrou.Zatvaram raspravu |
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